The Healing Blossom

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Have you been sick this year? Read This: HOW TO BULLET PROOF YOU IMMUNE SYSTEM

I always thought catching several colds and/or the flu every year, was just part of life – especially in the winter. Some years were worse than other, I just thought I had really bad luck. I would catch several colds, bronchitis and the flu. I had asthma, so my breathing was always impaired. Exercise was impossible – walking was the extent of my exercise and sometimes that would take my breath away. During the inversion in Salt Lake City, Utah – I was always sick. I expected to be put on Prednisone at least once per year. I told my doctor I was sick of being sick. She told me I needed to take Advair every day and that would keep me from getting brochitis....

I took my Advair for my asthma, I took a grocery store multi, and got the flu shot every year (that would make me sick for a week). It didn’t matter how many times I washed my hands and how much hand sanitizer I used…I still got sick. (To read how sick I really was, read my blog). If someone walked past me with a cold, I caught it. I didn’t feel good and I was determined to get better. 

I made a lot of changes in my life. I cut out soda, processed foods, I did a good detox program, took vitamins and I felt a lot better. I went from being sick ALL of the time, to catching 4 colds a year…they’d last a week or two, and no more bronchitis. Would you say 4 colds is average? I didn't want to be average, I wanted  to be the person who NEVER gets sick…is that even possible with my crummy immune system? Well, I'm happy to say - SUCCESS!

Here's my story: Two years ago, I was one month into eating an extremely healthy diet and taking my vitamins every day (not the same ones I take now) and I caught a cold. I decided to switch up my vitamins and I ordered them from Life Extension.  When my order arrived, I was still sick with the cold and I was having trouble with my asthma – plus living in Salt Lake City, we were in the middle of a very polluted inversion. (Yes, that brown layer of air in the photo, is what we have to breath several weeks out of the year in Salt Lake City). I took one dose of the Life Extension Buffered C and instantly,  I felt better. I could breathe better and I had a little more energy. The next day, I took a dose with my breakfast. I noticed I felt great for about an hour. Hmm….what is it about this product that makes me feel so much better than the 1000 mg of Mega C I was taking before?

Life Extension Buffered C has 4,000 mg per dose. Every vitamin C product at the store only has 1,000 mg – at the most.  It's the high dosage that makes a difference. So does that mean, if you take 4 doses of your regular vitamin C, it will have the same effect as Life Extension Buffered C? No – other vitamin C products will hurt your stomach if taken in that high of dosage. It’s the buffering minerals in the Buffered Vitamin C that protect your stomach.  

Immediately I started researching buffered vitamin C and WOW – this stuff is freaking amazing!!. (You can read what I found here). According to my research, this buffered C, if taken every hour, will help get over a cold very quickly. It’s called a buffered vitamin C flush.

Sure enough, I started taking it every hour and within 24 hours, my cold was gone. GONE!!! When you take the buffered C dose every hour, it does have a side effect, and can upset the stomach. It won’t be painful like regular vitamin C, but it can flush you out. No big deal  - I can tolerate that, and it's better than being sick.

Since I started doing this 2 years ago, I haven’t had a full blown miserable cold. I’ve had a few close calls when I was inconsistent with my daily vitamins.  But If I hit the buffered vitamin C right away, I only had 2 symptoms: asthma and fatigue. I also found that 1 dose, 4-5 times per day will do the trick (instead of taking it every hour) and my stomach seems to tolerate it a little better. I take 4-5 doses a day until I feel normal, usually 3 days.

I did have one brief cold when I was on vacation and I didn’t have my vitamins. I started feeling sick on the plane and I took 4 EmergenC’s but it wasn’t enough. I was sick (congested) for 1 day while I started my vitamin C flush. The next day, I was fine. I recommend continuing the flush for a few more days until you feel normal again.

Not only does the Buffered C help with my asthma when I feel a cold coming on, but it helps me every day. I no longer need to take Advair….yep…asthma medication is gone. I haven’t had to use my rescue inhaler. Here we are in dirty Salt Lake City – in the middle of a nasty inversion…no asthma medication required. Granted, I’m not out running in this dirty air, but I can handle exercising indoors without a problem.

I’m sure you’ve heard enough about the awesome and amazing Buffered C….but that’s not the only thing I take to keep me healthy. I also take:

Vitamin D, 5000IU: Vitamin D is so important to your immune system and your overall health.  You can read more about vitamin D hereI do visit my doctor each year for my annual exam and I ask my doctor to test my vitamin D levels. This will tell help me to determine how much vitamin D I should be taking. Its important to keep your levels above 50 but not over 100. If you are below 50, you will feel tired and you will be more susceptible to illness and diseases. Get your vitamin D levels checked every year.

Magnesium 500 mg – it’s a must, it’s responsible for over 325 biochemical reactions in the body. (You can read more here).

Omega 3’s – We all know that these are a must. However, be smart when you shop for omega 3’s. Yes, they can be full of contaniments like mercury. Look for omega 3’s that have been 3rd party tested by a reputable company for impurities. Also look for brands that have sesame lignans and olive fruit extract to help with absorption.

Multi-vitamin:  Most multi-vitamins on the market, don’t really do anything and just make your pee really yellow. Some are so full of junk and full of cheap, non-absorable forms of vitamins, they are just a waste of money. The last time I looked at the ingredients of Centrum, I told the person who bought it, they’d be better off throwing it away….yes, the entire Costco size bottle. It’s filled with unhealthy junk and cheap vitamins your body probably won’t absorb anyways. So why bother? However, there are good multis out there. Life Extension has two multis to choose from: one is a Two-Per-Day vitamin and retails for $22.50 for a 60 day supply. That’s pretty dang cheap for a good vitamin. The other retails for $110 for a 30 day supply –and you have to take 14 a day. Personally, I like the 14 a day, but I usually only take 4-6 and sometimes I rotate with the 2 per day. A nice side effect of their multi-vitamins: my nails grow like weeds...

Pro-biotic – part of your immune system is your gut - if that’s out of whack, you will get sick more. Getting on any anti-biotic makes it worse. Take a pro-biotic daily, especially after taking antibiotics.

Green Superfoods – awesome energizing greens, full of nutrients, enzymes and probiotics. I add it to my daily protein shake with ground flax seed and water (or almond milk).

Essential Oils – I love essential oils but they are not the end all be all for fixing your health issues like some people believe. If your immune system is impaired by diet and vitamin deficiencies, slapping a little oil on your feet every day isn’t going to cure the problem, but there are benefits to them. There is a wonderful essential oil blend reported to help the immune system. I was told to put it on my feet daily and you won't get sick. I did, it didn’t help me from getting sick. However, now I use it on my teeth daily- I put 2 drops on my toothpaste when I brush my teeth. It makes my teeth feel fresh from the dentist clean – and strips all the fuzz off my teeth and helps keep them whiter longer in between whitening. Overall my oral health seems to be better since I started using it. The oil blend is called Deliverance and you can read more about it here.

I eat HEALTHY. None of that Special K, Yoplait, Lean Cuisine, Diet Coke, 100 Calorie Pack, – FAKE healthy foods that taste like cardboard or have chemicals that make it addictive. I eat whole foods…salads with dressings I make myself. Lots of VEGGIES - Lightly sautéed or steamed veggies, leafy greens, Wild Alaskan salmon, organic chicken breast, eggs from pasture raised chickens, quinoa, fruits and nuts….REAL FOOD and it tastes amazing. I read the ingredients on everything I eat and I don't put food made of chemicals in my body.

Exercise – yoga, cycling, pilates – I try to stay very active. In the past I tried to stay active, but my energy was always zapped. Now I have the energy and I actually like working out….I couldn’t say that before. Exercise and sweating, helps to eliminate toxins and strengthen your immune system.

Stress – when we are under a lot of stress, physical, or mental – our bodies require more vitamins. Unfortunately, most people forget to take their vitamins when they are stressed….I know, I’m guilty of that. It’s so import to not only take your vitamins, but take more – especially vitamin C….once again, another reason to always have buffered C on hand. Look for ways to reduce stress - do yoga, meditation, exercise, eat healthy, or change jobs if you have to.

Whole Body Detox - Every year I complete one Whole Body Detox for 30 days and a few 7 day detoxes during the year. Every detox experience has been slightly different but instead of getting older with age, I feel like I'm getting younger....reversing the clock by getting rid of toxins.

Look at it this way. Think of your immune system like a big bucket. All the junk you put in your body, from the polluted air we breathe, to the chemicals in food and personal care products, every virus, parasite, etc. goes into this bucket. When your immune system is functioning properly, you’ve got this big ladle that scoops the junk out to keep your bucket from overflowing and making you sick.

When our detoxification system is impaired from a poor diet and vitamin deficiencies, the big ladle is just a slotted spoon. The little slotted spoon can’t keep up with all of the toxins and soon our bucket overflows.

Before I changed my diet and started detoxing, my bucket was overflowing – flooding my body with toxins. Eventually I repaired the deficiencies and changed my diet, fixing my ladle.  I dump my bucket out every year with a complete detox plan. Now everything is functioning properly and I don’t get sick like I use to.

SO what do the detoxes, vitamins and healthy eating all cost me? A hell of a lot less than doctor bills and missed time at work – plus it will save me money in the future.  The cost of all these products runs about $100 with discounts on my web-site. I’m sure most people think that’s a lot of money…but it’s a lot less than most medications. Not to mention the fact that I FEEL FREAKING AWESOME! I think that’s worth a $100 a month…easily. My detox program runs about $329 for 30 days but it’s worth well over $445…actually if you ask me, its priceless….it gave me my life back.

I'm not someone who never gets sick, telling you how to stay healthy. I am someone who was always sick and made changes telling you how to get healthy. There is a difference coming from someone with first hand experience.

You can find all the products I recommend here and offer awesome discounts: 
I try to take these products every day, and normally I feel pretty good. When I do start to feel sick its usually when I have been inconsistent with my vitamins and my diet. As soon as I feel the tickle in the back of my throat, or I get sneezy, or I just feel really wiped out and tired,  I immediately start the buffered vitamin C flush.  Then I increase my D to 10,000 (if I haven't been taking 5,000 daily), and I try to eat as clean and healthy as possible.
If you are sick right now and don't have these vitamins on hand, but you want relief, follow these steps.
1. If you live in the Salt Lake area, contact me, I have them in stock and you can pick them up today. If you don't live here, I can ship them.
2. Go to Whole Foods and buy Kombucha, when I was sick, I loved Mystic Mango.

3. Forget the chicken noodle soup, buy the vegetables to make this healing broth

Have you had problems with your immune system and health in the past? What changes did you make in your life to strengthen you immune system?

RECIPE: Healing Broth

I use to use the broth on my Whole Body Detox plan to assist in detoxification and to take away cravings when trying to lose weight. I now prefer to use homemade bone broth. I'm leaving this up because I have friends that still like homemade vegetable broth.

Healing Broth

  • 10 cups of filtered water (or enough water to submerse the veggies)
  • 4 one-inch slices of fresh ginger (use more if you like the zing of ginger)
  • 4 cloves of whole garlic (not chopped or crushed)
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, sliced
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1-2 cups of sweet potatoes
  • 2 cups of chopped beet greens (or use kale, collard greens, chard, dandelion, cilantro or other greens. I prefer beet greens, it gives the broth a nice red color)
  • ½ cup of cabbage
  • ½ cup fresh shitake mushrooms
  • 1 cup of daikon or white radish root and tops (ideal, but optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of Dulse powder (or use a few sheets of nori)
  • Himalayan salt, to taste

  1. Add all the ingredients to a large stock pot and place on a low boil for approximately 60 minutes. It may take a little longer. Simply continue to boil to taste.
  2. Cool, strain (throw out the cooked vegetables), and store in a large, tightly-sealed glass container in the fridge.

Heat gently and drink up to 2–4 cups a day. If possible, avoid using the microwave. Heat on the stove or diluted with hot water heated in a teapot or heated water filter spout.

Makes 8 cups

Blossom Tips:

Save, wash and re-use glass juice bottles or Kombucha bottles for your broth.

I prefer to make the broth very concentrated so it doesn’t take up too much space in my fridge (I always make a double batch). Plus I don’t like to heat it up in the microwave and I don’t care for it cold. I prefer to pour the concentrated broth into a mug and fill half way. Then I add hot water to dilute it and warm it up.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

RECIPE: Dark Chocolate No-bake Oatmeal Cookies

Dark Chocolate No-bake Oatmeal Cookies (without peanut butter)

These cookies are probably the first thing I learned how to cook. Recently I tried to find that old recipe on-line but all of the similar recipes were a bit bland. Most of the recipes included peanut butter and not very much chocolate...making them kinda blah...

I played with the ingredients to make the cookies like I remembered them. I tossed out the peanut butter and doubled or tripled the cocoa powder to get the right amount. YES! This is exactly how I remembered them.
Sure this isn't my typical healthy recipe posting as it does include sugar and butter. I tried to make them with sugar and butter alternatives but it didn't work.
After all, it's the holidays and we're all allowed to splurge a little, right?? I'm still remaining gluten-free but adding in a little dairy and sugar won't hurt. That being said, this recipe cannot be made vegan or Paleo friendly like my others. But it can be made gluten free - at least for those who can eat oats. If you are making the cookies for someone with celiacs, make sure to purchase gluten free oats. Many companies that process oats also process wheat and the oats can be cross contaminated. For someone with celiacs, the oats need to be certified gluten-free. Whole Foods sells gluten-free oats.

The original recipes called for quick oats...the more processed version oats with less fiber. My attempt to make this recipe a little healthier includes rolled oats instead of quick oats. I actually prefer them this way, it has more of a chewy texture like a granola bar.

The ingredients are simple, if you want to make these cookies, here's your shopping list:

2 cups of Sugar
1/2 cup of Cocoa
1/2 cup of Vanilla Almond Milk
1 stick of Butter (melted)
1 teaspoon of Salt
4 cups Rolled Oats
1 teaspoon of Vanilla
Wax paper

Makes 48 cookies

The trick to this recipe is timing. If you don't cook it long enough, you'll have really gooey cookies. If you cook it too long, they can be hard as rocks.

Tip: I melt the butter first - or at least make sure it's room temp. Make sure you use REAL butter - not that stuff made from oil that looks like butter. Get the real stuff. 1 stick of butter is equal to 1/2 cup or 1/4 lb. of butter. I usually put my butter in a glass bowl and set it on the stove or in the oven its  already warm, I don't use a microwave.

If you don't have almond milk, you can use regular milk. I have not tested the recipe with soy, hemp or coconut milk.

Pre-measure your oats and vanilla before you start cooking. This will save you time and hopefully avoid over cooking (remember it will continue to cook after you've removed it from heat so it's best to have the oats, vanilla, and anything else you want to add all ready to go.

Also, lay out your wax paper.

Here are the 6 simple steps:

1. In a saucepan (My 10 cup saucepan worked perfect) combine melted butter, sugar, cocoa and salt. Do not turn on heat until the ingredients have been stirred together. Or if you melted the butter in the saucepan remove from heat. Combine all other ingredients in a bowl, stir, then add to the butter mixture and stir together.

This image shows all the ingredients mixed together before the heat is turned on.

2. Turn heat to just above medium, stir ingredients until sugar is melted.
4. Bring to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes. I usually boil 1 minute and 30 seconds....I like them a little gooey.

Do not over cook or they will be rock hard.

5. Remove saucepan from heat and stir in oats.

6. Stir in vanilla and anything else you choose to add such as walnuts or coconut.

Make sure to completely cover oats with chocolate mixture.

7. Drop by spoonful on wax paper and let cool. They will be gooey at first - the longer they sit, the harder they get.


Happy Holidays from The Healing Blossom

Monday, December 10, 2012

RECIPE: Chocolacado Pie

Chocolacado Pie

When I was young my Mom always made a delicious pudding dessert for the holidays. It was made with Jell-o pudding, Cool Whip and it had a buttery/flour crust (all food products I’ve chosen to no longer consume). On my journey to good health, I try to avoid dairy products, gluten and processed foods. That means all the foods I grew up on are no longer an option. 

I’ve been experimenting with raw, gluten free and dairy free desserts. After I came across a recipe for a raw chocolate pudding in Whole Living magazine, I dreamed of that tasty pudding dessert my Mom use to make and I couldn’t wait to throw it together. My aunts use to call it "Better than Sex Cake" and "Sex in a Pan"...that's how awesome it was.

My natural version is even more amazing. The pie is named after the combination of chocolate and avocado: Chocolacado. Some people are thrown off by the avocados in the ingredient list. Don't worry, avocados have a mild flavor that are easily masked by the chocolate and honey. When blended, the avocados make a creamy texture, like pudding. If you're worried your kids won't eat it, don't tell them it has avocados - at least until after they've tried it.

Coconut milk makes an excellent replacement for whip cream. It doesn't separate when stored in the fridge like dairy whip cream, it's a lot healthier and tastier than cool whip.

This dessert can be made for those following a raw food, vegan, gluten free and even a paleo diet.

Chocolacado Pie Ingredient List
1 can of coconut milk (cold, stored in fridge over night)
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
¼ cup and 1-2 tablespoons of raw honey
2 cups walnuts
1 cup dates
2 tablespoons ground flax (hemp hearts work well too)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
3 avocados, ripe
6 tablespoons of cocoa power
Pinch of Himalayan salt
Dark chocolate bar or unsweetened coconut flake for topping (optional)


Coconut Whip Cream
With a mixer whip:
1 cold can of coconut milk (use the entire can)
Whip for 5 minutes or until light and fluffy.
Add 1 tsp of vanilla and 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Whip again – makes 4 cups
Place whip cream in the fridge until ready to use.

In a food processor, combine:
2 cups walnuts
1 cup dates
2 tablespoons ground flax
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Mix until dough consistency
Press dough into square pyrex dish or round cake pan.
Store in fridge until ready to use.

Chocolate Pudding:
In a food processor, combine:
3 avocados (slice in half, remove pit, scrape out avocado)
¼ cup honey
6 tablespoons of cocoa power
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Blend until pudding consistency.
Add 1 cup coconut whip cream.
Sprinkle with Himalayan salt.
Blend again until mixed.
Taste - if you can taste any avocado, add a small splash of vanilla, a tablespoon of honey and a little more cocoa powder. Blend again.

Put it all together:
Smooth chocolate pudding over the crust. It should create a layer about 1 inch thick.
Smooth remaining coconut whip cream on top.
Top with grated dark chocolate, chopped walnuts or unsweetened coconut flakes
Store in the fridge until ready to use. I recommend letting it set-up in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving or the coconut whip cream may be a little too watery.

For step by step detailed instructions, see the photos and steps below.

Happy Holidays from The Healing Blossom -

Step by step instructions:
Before you gather your ingredients, place the bowl you'll be using to make your coconut whip cream in the freezer. Use a stainless steel bowl if you have one and keep it in the freezer for 5 minutes.


3 Avocados (plus one extra just in case one is not ripe enough or one has gone bad)

1/4 Honey and 1-2 Tablespoons (make sure you buy real honey, not that high fructose corn syrup stuff some brands and conventional grocery stores try to pass off as honey). You could also try maple syrup in place of honey.

6 tablespoons cocoa powder

2 cups walnuts

3 tsp vanilla extract

1 can coconut milk (regular not light) - must be cold

1 cup pitted dates

Missing from photo:

2 tablespoons ground flax seed

1 tablespoon Coconut oil

Pinch of Himalayan salt

TIP:  Purchase full fat coconut milk that does not have any added ingredients. I recommend Whole Foods brand. Do not use Light coconut milk – it will be too watery. Make sure to store in the fridge overnight.

Prepare Coconut Whip Cream

1. Remove your can of coconut milk from the fridge and your bowl from the freezer. If you've used a good quality coconut milk, when you open the can, it should look like this - very thick. Scoop the contents into your bowl.

NOTE: If making a thicker whip cream, you would just use the cream and not use any of the water. Tip: Open can upside down so you can pour out the coconut water from underneath the thick coconut cream.

For this recipe, I always use the whole can - both the cream and the water. The pie will thicken in the fridge. If you'll be serving this immediately, I would recommend, reserving some of the water for a thicker cream.

I always keep a few cans in the fridge, just in case you need to whip up some cream.

2. Mix on high until it fluffs up - about 5 minutes.

3. Add 1 teaspoons of vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix again.

4. Place bowl of whip cream in the fridge.

Prepare Crust

This is a gluten free, raw and vegan crust.

5. In a food processor add: 2 cups of walnuts, 1 cup of pitted dates, 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed (or hemp hearts) and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

If your food processor starts to jump around or it doesn't sound right, there may be a date pit stuck on the blade. Stop the processor and look for a pit. Then continue until you reached the desired consistency. (It happens every time I process dates)

6. Process until it becomes doughy. After it turns into a dough, I like to add a few more walnuts and pulse....I like the chunks of nuts.

7. Next place your dough in a square pyrex dish, a deep pie pan or a cake pan. For this dish I used a round cake pan.

Make sure you do not use a shallow pie tin.

8. Press dough in pan to make a crust.

9. Place pan in the fridge until you are ready to fill it.

Prepare Chocolate Pudding

Avocados must be perfectly ripe or a little overly ripe is okay.  If they are overly ripe, make sure they do not taste bad. To ripen avocados, place in a brown paper bag until ripe. (This may take a few days but it will be quicker than just leaving them in the pantry or on the counter.

I always buy an extra avocado just in case one goes bad.
10. Rinse your avocados, then slice in half.


11. To remove the pit, use a large knife. BE VERY CAREFUL. Just hit the pit in the middle with the knife. See photo.

If the avocados are ripe, the pits will slide right out. 

12. Next scoop the avocados out with a large spoon into the food processor.

13. Add 1/4 cup of honey, 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

14. Blend until smooth like pudding.

15. Add 1 cup of coconut whip cream, pinch of Himalayan salt and blend again until mixed.

16. Remove the crust from the fridge and add the pudding on top.

17. Smooth the pudding creating a thick layer.

18. Remove the coconut whip cream from the fridge and smooth a layer on top of the pudding.

19. Grate some chocolate or add some chopped walnuts or flaked coconut to the top.

20. Store in the fridge until ready to serve.

Immediately after I made the pie, I scooped this slice out. It did not have time to set-up in the fridge so it's a little watery. It still tastes delicious, but it looks better if the cream has had time to set-up in the fridge for a couple of hours.

I recommend serving the same day but it can be stored in the fridge for a few days.



Friday, November 30, 2012

Special - New Year, New You! January 5th

This month I'm offering a discount on my detox plan.
This plan is 30 days and it's LIFE CHANGING.

How my plan is different than the Master Cleanse:

1. The Master Cleanse will trigger a detox, but without the proper vitamins and nutrients, the flood of toxins won't know where to go. You can make yourself really sick and just move toxins from one place to another. It's like turning on the faucet and plugging the drain.

2. My Whole Body Reboot plan includes vitamins and supplements to repair vitamin deficiencies and assist your body in detoxing.

3. You get to eat food! You'll be eating easy to digest foods such as steamed veggies, salmon, brown rice and quinoa. Chocolate, vanilla or berry protein shakes with ground flax seed and Green Superfoods. Plus a variety of soups and salads. That sounds a lot better than lemon juice and maple syrup, doesn't it?

4. My Whole Body Reboot is SAFE. You are getting the vitamins and nutrients your body needs while your body is detoxing - the right way.

Are you a candidate for my Whole Body Reboot?

Unless you are on living planet free of pollution and processed foods, you are a candidate for this detox plan. (Must be 18 or older)

Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to increase your energy?
Do you want to turn back the clock? Just because you are getting older, doesn't mean you have to feel old.
Do you want identify potential food intolerances and allergies?
Do you want to reverse or minimize health problems?
Do you want to learn about why the foods you are eating are making you sick?
Do you want to feel better?

If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, you need to try this detox plan.

To see what this detox can do, read my blog about the health problems I use to have. Several years ago I found a detox similar to this and tried it for 7 days. I felt great and wanted another go. Since then I've completed it several times and researched all of the products. I've improved it by adding to it, making it easier, making a workbook and a cookbook. Several of my friends have all tried it with awesome results.


How do I save $50 off the Whole Body Reboot?

To get this discount, order your detox kit by December 17th and start our group detox on January 5th.

If you would like to work out a payment plan, please contact me. A deposit is required at the time of your order and the kit must be paid in full by 1/4/12 for local pick-up (SLC, UT) or by 12/28/12 for out of state.

Can I order the kit by December 17th and start the detox at a later date in January, after the 5th?

When you start the program you will receive daily emails from me as your detox coach. The $50 discount applies to those who start the program on the 5th. If you choose not to start the program on the 5th, that's up to you. The coaching and daily emails you'll be receiving will all corispond with the 5th start date.

January won't work for me, will you be offereing this discount again?

YES - if I have enough people to do one together. I will offer that discount Feb 2nd, 2013 and March 2nd, 2013 if I have enough people. You can also organize your own group detox (4 or more people) and pick your start date.

How do I sign up and order my kit?

Please contact me and I'll send you the release form, or download it here. You can pay with your Paypal account or use a credit card through Paypal. Locals (SLC, UT) can also pay with cash. The form must be signed and emailed back to me. A $50 minimum deposit is required to order your kit. Kits must be ordered 2-3 weeks before the start date.

Once my kit is ordered, is there anything else I can do to prepare?

Yes, you'll need to eliminate caffiene from your diet. If you consume caffiene daily, please contact me for a caffiene elimination plan.

You'll want to start making changes in your diet, before we start the detox, you must remove all white flour and sugar. It's best to ease off and make sure they are completly eliminated 5 days before you start.

If you don't own a yoga mat, you'll need to purchase one. Yoga plays an important role in releasing toxins. I recommend finding a yoga studio too - the best instructors teach at studios. Many gyms offer yoga classes but I've yet to find one that is as good as the one taught at a studio. Of course this all depends on the instructor. A good instructor walks around the class and makes sure you are doing the poses correctly. A bad instructor sits at the front doing all of the poses and never gets up to correct people. Finding a good studio will make a huge difference in your results.

You'll need to make sure your drinking plenty of filtered water. I recommend getting a PUR or Britta water filter and a BPA free water bottle. A Blender Bottle also work great for preparing your psyllium and shakes.

30 Days is a long time to stick to a plan, do you have shorter plans?

30 days is nothing compared to the 12,000 days you've lived and have not been detoxing. I do offer a "7 Day Sampler kit" - this kit will have enough vitamins, supplements and shakes for 7 days. It has the workbook but it will not have the full cook book. The 7 day kit works great for those who don't want to lose any weight or maybe just 5-7 pounds AND who are generally pretty great health. The 7 day plan is $99.

Please contact me to sign up or if you have any questions.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

RECIPE - Coconut Whip Cream

Coconut Whip Cream
1 full can of coconut milk makes 4 cups of whip cream.
This is an awesome alternative to dairy whip cream. It tastes better and doesn’t separate when stored in the fridge for a few days.

1 can of cold coconut milk
1 tablespoon of honey (or adjust to taste)
1 tsp of vanilla

1.       Make sure to buy full fat coconut milk free of preservatives and additives. Store coconut milk in the fridge overnight.
2.       When you open the can, the coconut cream and coconut water should be separated. For thick cream, only use the cream. I like to use both the cream and the water when making cream for fruit or pies.
3.       Add contents to mixer and whip for 5 minutes.
4.       Add honey and vanilla – whip again.
5.       Store in fridge until ready to use.


Don’t use light coconut milk and don’t try to make it with a  warm can. It will be too watery. I usually keep a few cans in the fridge just in case I decide to whip some up.

 You can also put your mixing bowl in the freezer for 5 minutes before you make it to help keep it cold while mixing.

 If you don’t use the coconut water, don’t dump it out. Drink it! It’s full of electrolytes. It can also be added to your morning smoothie or protein shake.

 If you’re not sure how thick you’ll want the cream. Start mixing with just the cream, when it’s light and fluffy, you can choose to add some coconut water and mix it again to reach your desired consistency. If it's a little too watery, put it in the fridge and it will thicken as it gets cold.

If you are making the cream for the Detox Friendly Pumpkin Pie, use the cream and the water - no honey.